My Kondo Journey
My Kondo Journey
Every one of my friends is watching Marie Kondo, on Netflix, and I decided to pull my pride out of my butt and give it a watch. I restore and clean homes in a very unique way that my little town has not applied to their life, before me.
The community often hire cleaners, maids, whatever you may call a person that tidies your home. I restore items and remove items from view to make the items people have look new, and uncluttered. I clean like a bio hazard technician, because I am one.
I also work with people who have OCD complications and work with them on the removal process. I wanted to know what this woman Marie Kondo applied, besides a fantastic marketing plan, that was different from mine. I watched her show “Tidying up” I was immediately drawn to her cuteness and blessing of the home. Her plan was very simple. As I watched Marie, I thought-well where does the cleaning come in?
The challenge for me in most homes is they hire me to clean, but I really didn’t feel I can properly clean due to the amount of stuff in the home. Our fees are a little higher- because we do “pile” items to get to the baseboards and areas that collect dirt. My next idea was to work in teams, so that the work can get done in an effective time.
However, this meant bringing employees. This created headache on all sides. My company grew fast, and then after two years we closed. I was back to being just me. I kept 14 clients, and I find myself sad, and very tired.
I decided last month to look for an entirely different career, but still keep my foot in the door of what I am passionate about- coaching, changing environment.
I watched the entire series of Marie in one sitting. Then I researched her website. I was shocked to learn, that to be a consultant, I had to do my own house. I have yet to host a book club party at my house due to, two people combining their items in a new marriage and finding space in a 700 square foot place. I was not happy with our space and I felt that many of my items at first were not here, and now just bulged out everywhere.
Running a small company, bringing joy to other people left me not having any joy in my own life or in my environment.
Next, I ordered Marie’s Book, step two. After chapter one, I made a video of my first room- my office. I also noticed that some of my clients were also starting Marie’s plan in their homes, and I found this super exciting to show up and see the way they were applying her methods to their space.
One of the articles I read when I first started my company was, “Name 21 items a professional organizer does not want to see in your home” This was a quiz I gave my employees and applied to our policies as a company.
An example of this that is a most common item is the toothbrush. Electric, handheld or large water piks…This is a hygienic item you use to clean with, just like a toilet bowl scrubber or a plunger. First the electric toothbrush holder has to be completely cleaned at the base. Then a cover put on the Bristles to prevent toxic splatter on mirrors, walls and in the air. It is stored away, so the space looks clean and clutter free. You really only need to charge a good electric toothbrush , once a month- so the base does not need to be out. The charger can be put in a drawer and the brush standing upright in a cabinet. If you need the charger- you can drill a small hold under the cabinet to charge it or against the wall inside the cabinet. My first career was as a dental assistant, believe it or not.
The plunger should go in the cleaning closet, and now a days you can buy concealed toilet bowl cleaners.
Other items are magazines, piles of keys, coat racks, shoes racks. Shoes should not come inside. Shoes track germs. A flat enclosed case by the door and also heels in a closed case in your room, flush with the wall.
Many women like to show off their shoes, class is not defined not by what we have. When you die, shoes will not be going with you. I also don’t think your family will want the shoes as an inheritance. I love shoes, I have somewhere like 200. I have them boxed in seasons, and the ones I use during the season are out.
I look at my office and the first thing that comes to mind is, I need an entirely new look- so I ordered a special shelf. Before it gets here, I need to find out what brings me joy.
Some of the things I impulse buy on a regular basis is journals, books on business, self-journey books, crafting supplies, office supplies and art materials. I keep papers from web information, seminars I’ve gone too, and yes magazines for vison boarding. This is going to be a hard journey for me. My clients currently are so over joyed every time I clean and do some small organizing task in their home, its time I help myself.
I am procrastinating thou…I decided to go look for pretty boxes at Micheals and write this blog, before actually going into the room. I can’t sort with crap everywhere! Let’s be real here!
Please stay tuned for more on my journey, and please share yours! Id love to hear any help ideas or simply what you are doing!
Gvix signing off
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