Attention Deficit Disorder

There are some real qualities with people who have ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder. You can get several tasks done at once. Persons are typically creative and thinking outside the box. I know this because I have it. I have a bright multi purpose resume. You learn to use it with age, but then again as I look at my wine, ..water..I wonder. I am insanely funny to a normal person. Because I am insanely funny, the work day can been either funny or frustrating. I am working with one of those people who thinks "Squared" A example of this is, "you stack the box from left to right, up and down, until you have a perfectly square neat tidy space. However, did they ever consider if you needed a box from the middle at any given moment? no, I thought not. I am in a cleaning job, a fairly difficult one.With long hours..My partner worked methodically from left to right until the two areas were sparkling clean. I worked in one space..from books, to shelving to the bedr...