24 days till I'm a Suitcase Boarder, 365 Days Rent Free

So to set out on my grand adventure of being a suitcase boarder and 365 days rent free, I clearly had to unload some baggage, you cant take a entire home with you. A fresh start with old stuff in a storage locker is not a fresh start, its a occurrence of memories you sooner rather forget. We are the directors of our own life, and we can paint any picture we want...You just have to believe it. OK so, I really thought about my brand new bed, and well it is going into storage, I think I only had sex in it a few times, maybe twice. with the same person, who I still love and adore, so there are no bad memories with the bed, new linens will happen clearly afterward. I will need one dresser and I am taking my cherry mahogany pub table. The rest is bins of stuff that I have sorted and pillaged and really decided on what stayed and what went. My sewing studio I have lugged around for years was cut to a forth of what I had. I had two garage sales and made about 100 bucks, big whoop-u...