Never wake up with a negative attitude...

Last week was the end of yet another wonderful school, where I feel I made some difference. The contract ending abruptly when a staff wanted to come back into the position, fortunately for me I was offered above everyone else the "position she tried out" The complaints were, too far and they stay till 330 there. Having worked 7 days straight, over tired and dealing with a Psycho friend and a client, one of my clients was very ill, all weekend, needless to say I was not in the most positive of moods, the last thing I wanted was to learn a new caseload and start over, today. I had friend dates, a guy date, supposed to see my mother, and family in from my hometown for prom shopping and surgeries...I had to cancel everything. At this point in my life, everything is on hold..I have to get some things in order in my life. I got the guilt trip from almost everyone, and continual abusive text messages from a friendship I ended. After each workday, I would sa...