Well I survived Survivor boot camp, and even Copat which is a correctional officer training coarse, even when the two ladies screamed.."get up maget!" I even build up my running last year to do a 3K 5K and 10K..Now Yoga..one person said...Yoga changed my life! It changed mine two, after two session's I was on the toilet for hours with things coming out of me that I thought never would. I also couldn't move, sit or stand. The first class was great I slept for 1/2 hour before and 1/2 hour after..got through a few exercises and finished. The second one, was in a 110 degree room, I never thought it was possible for me to actually smell that bad, it must of been pretty bad because the guy next to me was making me pass out with his stench, so much I had to move. After 20 mins...I left, felt faint.. The lady at reception said you did not just walk out? they are like drill Sergent's..I said umm.hello yeah. Next time miss just lie down. Well its kinda hard to lie down when...