My Personal Sitcom

If I were to write a sitcom similar to the movie, "Sex in the City", I guarantee my female friends and men would blow the audience away, people would be begging for more. The women in my story would probably keep viewers far more entertained than the three characters in sex in the city. I am reflecting on some funny moments with my amazing friends coming into the New Year. This year I decided to work, and set some goals for myself. I hope you all rang in the New Year as you all wanted to, and that it was grand and special to you ! On facebook I have 580 friends, approximately. A good 100 are from the town I went to high school in, old and new-more like family. On Facebook 50 more are people I met at conventions, events and social gatherings, another 50 I have not met, but are referral's who have read my blog or support whatever it is I am doing. Another 150 friends are work related, past present and some future networking people. 50 friends are men who are li...