45 days till I'm a Suitcase Boarder, 365 Days Rent Free.

45 days till I'm a Suitcase Boarder, 365 Days Rent Free. Packing up and starting over this time, seems stressful..but way easier than any other time. One, I'm not heartbroken. Two, I don't feel attached to any of my stuff. Three I have major support this time. Four, I don't have to worry about any money- because it will be designated for someone else to look after. I just have to worry about work and wellness, sleep and good food. I applied to a over the top contract, that is 5 years with a full benefit package and travel. Probably out of my league, however the highlighted word in the job description stated " Full Training Provided" One of the things I do know now, is I can train in any field. Its funny how someone else can change your perspective in a moment. I saw a girlfriend about a month ago. she called and said I needed to come over. This was totally random. I was having a bad week. We had a in depth conversation about the power of emotion...