108 Beads..

The beads that monks, Buddha's, Yogi's.. wear around their neck's and hand's, symbolize 108 beads, a perfect three-digit multiple of three, it's components adding up to nine. A number representing supreme balance, in Eastern cultures. In Western time's, these bead's often represent 108 beads of gratitude. You are to touch each bead and stat what you are thankful for right now, and all good things will happen. Some time ago I went to see, Nithyananda, a Monk/Yogi, (try pronouncing that name.) Nithyananada believed that every thought a person had was a thought of the past, re inventing itself over and over..So all the thought's a person has are of the past, pain, worry stress...heartache were actually hindering your future thought's. In order to have a full life , wonderful life filled with all the wealth, love and nurturing and adventure, you must re-program your way of life, and the way you think. Nithyananda still applied the same princ...