WORKING After a funny quote on Facebook, I was prompted to keep writing..I must be funny or something! My status stated that I was excited I finally received a day off..on my request of coarse, and what should I possibly do..sleep..masterbate..sleep some more..eat greasy food..stay on the couch..and well to not call me. My career can require me to work up to 48hrs none stop, sometimes I don't even live at home-just check in...You know your overworked when running through your quiet house..naked and this seems to be a simple pleasure, or that you go to take a hot shower and realize you got bush..speaking of which the picture is the Original plant called Bush, and comes from Arizona. Mine doesn't.. I love my career and I guess that is why I dedicate so much time to it..quite gratifying..but does have defiantly its ups n downs..only a select few can do the kind of work I do. Id elaborate but that would be a breach of confidentiality. I have other outlets that fill my creative and ...