Little Engine That Could....

Do you ever look back on things you said and realize to your horror you were a total hypocrite? I have been doing allot of reading, including my past blog posts. In one of dating posts, I stated I hated emails and texts..and yet in times of pure fear that's all I do. Hypocritical!
I tell one of my friends the best advise of how to deal with fears and work situations, and I cant dish out my own advice for myself. This is always the case! You give amazing advice, but don't follow your own word!
I really need to take my own advice on a few things, cause as far as I know, people really value my ear, advice and the value of my company when they are going threw a hard time, I guess this is why my career is helping people.
Everything I told myself not to do, I did. I guess that's what happens when you fall in love, you go blind. My Guru friend says that after 6 months of being with someone, you are actually after that just living with images..not really the person. To reco...