Mr Mailman..

"Oh Mr Mailman..come ring my bell...I'll give you the sweetest milk that I've ever selled.." How does one’s describe oneself? In my wise years I find dating....Ugh, work. There was a time I spend allot of time on my hair, makeup, nails, clothes. I find that with my schedule I am exhausted to go to such extent. So I hope that whomever is with me will be OK with the just me, and not all that other crap all the time. My profile is simply a wanted advertisement, and now that I have actually physically started dating I am bombarded with tons of questions. Am I happy with myself image? I think I am youthful in mind and body and stay somewhat active. I have a fabulous ass, I know this because a friend of mine took a picture, and had it on his cell for a time.I look at my ass and think I have some cellulite on that puppy, apparently, its the shape of it that men like. Me and my one sister RR have it, it doesn't matter if we gain or lose weight, that ass is a...