Self Embarking Journey Over the last two years my obsession with travel has now provided me with a wall of maps; flyer's, travel books and learning new languages. I spend my time, creatively thinking of ways to save and ways to get there and why I want to go and what is my purpose and different reasons why I want to go. The idea of teaching in China, was not really much supported, and now I see why. The plan was not really thought out, "do I want to teach in China?" After much research and looking into options, well sure on a short term contract. The idea was not really thought through, like many of my ideas. Fleeting ideas, "I'm going to be a Astronaut!" I am going to join the RCMP! OK the wanting to be a Astronaut clearly was a ego booster for my self, that I can do anything, and I can! The hard reality of wanting to be a Municipal Police Officer was the realization of: "why should they pick me over all the athletic...