You are not IT

That time when you chatted me up and asked for my number, and then decided that our entire form of communication would be text messages. You are not Him. After that meet-up we had, you failed to bring flowers and ask me on a real date and assumed I would hang out with you. You are not that It. That time we went for the hike..and you assumed I was your buddy. You feel you have the right to tell me your sexual thoughts and touch me, however you reside with someone, or pursue someone else, my dad always told me to make sure I was number one- You are not my first choice, because I was not yours. If I was pre-occupied or heart broken, or torn..that, that guy would wait..He would stay and be there for me, and wait. You would be that friend with all the humanitarian qualities. You forgot to randomly call me and ask how my day was..because you thought of me in some random moment. that surprise you did, ..oh that was me, not you. In my mind all the ideas of r...