Your Life, How would It look like, If you could Choose?

If you could choose your life, what would it look like? Is the question at the end of this storey. Midlife crisis for Men: They say that men hit there midlife crisis around age 35 to 40, noticing a grey hair, loss of hair, other traits are stinginess..this is due to the fact they are starting to realize its time to have all the eggs in a row for retirement so forth. "He doesn't buy me flowers anymore"There's the guy that doesn't want to work at his marriage anymore..feels tired, and then start's to worry "Is this it" So they have a fling, or say well I just don't think I'm in love with you anymore. Some men leave, go out and find a younger version of their wife, some go screw around realize hey I don't got it so bad, come back to a array of fighting and mistrust. When really what they should of said in the first place is-I'm bored, and UN excited and I feel old, and you have let yourself go to a fat cow, nagging bitch that is predicta...