Finding Beauty

I don't know if my readers know that I was a free lance make up artist in film, TV and Bridal and skin specialist for Biotherm. I have always looked way younger than my years. The number one cause of aging is stress. I all of a sudden noticed my eyes, dark circles and tiny wrinkles, it was like I drastically aged in two months. I decided to start with my good friend who worked in the industry of fakeness. My friend worked in the world of fakeness but really believes in everything else first. My friend Samantha, started me on medical skincare-shit that works. Dr Ojui is what I started with. My friend tells me not to start with retinal till I try the medicinal skincare first. Using this skin line, is quite the procedure! you are required use twice a day and a series of ointments and cleaning of the face morning and night that takes up to a whole 15 minutes, I counted cause I really don't have a lot of time-but to look better, you have to suffer I guess. This...