365 Letters..Letter Two

Dear Guardian Angel, May 13, 2012 I know my father is somewhere up there, please say Hi for me today. For the first time in about 2 years I actually got on my knees and prayed that my son Dakoda would be ok last night. He called and was sitting in your room, dad, with your 1985 Scotch. It was a good talk but a sad one. Today I mananged to get out and do the laundry, however I wore your fireman tshift, pjs slippers and shades. It is hard to move about..I just tear up all the time, I am at a point I am so numb I dont even care..I went to this cafe shop, and reliezed after how I must of looked like a complete crack head. The Lions Den Cafe, great place, Jamaica owned..kewl people hang out there..The owner said, ahh girl, you ok eh? I said I lost my dad. with a blank stare. He said, give me your hand..so I did, he was a handsom warm eyed black man, probably in his 50s. kissed my hand, said you be ok, coffees on us today. I realized in my car mirror, the horror th...