Dating In Vancouver

Dating in Vancouver.. Well here we go! I have been single for 2.5 years now, A year to heal and a Year to find Laura again, few very small relationships in between and I gotta tell ya - I must be OLD... lol I joined a few dating sites, and a few single social stuff for singles..the whole shindig.. I had my perfect list deep set in my mind..and tried to view dating as a not so seeking another person , but seeking myself and bump into a match somewhere down the road. My very first date with a online went great! attractive, cute..until he sent me photos of himself in latex the next day..The 2 nd guy I actually fell for..It was a year of chatting..a dinner and a connection..after a few months I felt it was time he meet my fabulous friends.. He was 3 hours, got to the house..talked on his cell..I told him if it was a bad time-we could do this another time...he was talking to his X wife with his 4 kids that I was unaware of.. Most men on the dating line a...