Church Lady Say's " Now is that proper talk?" Head Colds and Boot-camp and changing your life for the better, can sometimes suck for the first month. My blog"Dysfunctional Journal didn't go over with the "Boyfriend" so I archived it for a bit. I don't blame him. I am quite the girlie girl, with sweetness and giggles when I am with him. Trash Talk is not very becoming in a lady, but sure makes great conversation doesn't it!..lol I am actually the most caring giving person you could ever meet, I think of you and the world before myself, and then beat myself up because I am so sad sometimes..probably due to exhaustion and not knowing how to balance enjoying life and work. If you dont hear from me all day, it is one of two things: I am at work, I am ignoring you. Welcome to the world of serving others..my choice..no one else's. The last few years I actually have enjoyed life in little bits, quite a bit compared to the rest of...