People Change....

I've been sitting here thinking about how busy I've been, how things are coming together for me, and how unavailable I actually have been. I was looking tonight at some of the truly beautiful friends I have, female and male. I reflect now on the good times from past events, the smile in my face. Stating I am not available, cancelling just about everything has not been easy and has not come very easy. Every one has shit in their life, responsibilities... The friends new and old I have always had the highest respect for and try to tell them what they mean to me given the chance. In most situations I feel I have given back to the friendships. Since Christmas my social life has been on hold, realizing I have some huge massive things to change in my life. I also had some situations that were not very pleasant and rather stressful, like almost everyone else. However tonight, I was sad. A true friend I feel, is in your heart and if you...