Finding Your Tribe
Day 6: Find 1 or 2 people who are living the kind of life you want to live, and whose tribe you’d love to be part of. Then write a short post about why you find them inspiring and the one question you would ask them if you met in real life.#10DBC #freedomplan
This was a challenge indeed! In this challenge we have to go beyond Natalie, reach for the stars, I have my 3 superstars; Natalie, Seth Godin and Brené Brown . I have my home town mentors and superstars to me personally, originally all from Vancouver BC. Then I have my closest family and my new community. The larger Tribe the better I say!
The Number One Person I'd Have In My Tribe, is Natalie Sisson.
I have been following this lovey women since she launched her book! I was at one point, so close in meeting Natalie at a book signing, but I never made it. I have asked Natalie questions in the past, will you write a blurb in my book. I have asked questions over the years, that most people ask Natilie.
I downloaded The Suitcase Entrepreneur on my old laptop years ago, and the laptop died! I got about two chapters into the book before this happened. I now have the book on order.
If I met Natalie in person, my first question would be, "Do you want to get a glass of wine?" Then I would ask probably all the questions people have already asked her. I do have one sort of question. When I was in Vancouver and going to all the big entrepreneur seminars at the Pan Pacific, Did you go to those? Those multi level marketing events, or with the panel of women who speak events? Did you feel that any of that was worth your time? At the end of it all, its a massive sales pitch. I would also ask, besides the people who buy online, how do you find where you want to go and what you want to do? Do you say, "I think Id like to give a speech in France?" Who does your back office, All the general questions. I would then ask, if she could join me, not in a surf lesson, but a dive lesson with Jason Sugar in Isla Mujeres. Natalie you are inspirational to me because of how you approach your audience in your podcasts. Simple, helps any type of person, and I always hear something new. Amazing speaker. You'd have to be in my Tribe.
Seth Godin-I love the mini books Seth has written, the easy small books where you can just pick up the book and have instant gratification. If I met Seth, I would ask him how much research did he have to do on his own to make this happen. How many and who were in his tribe? I have been a sheepwalker for a long time, letting my dreams sit in the belly of my gut- After I started reading Seth's books, I felt like I had instant intelligence. This is a inspiration to me to know that gradual is not always that important, simple clean information. I really love Seth's books! I feel like I have taken some accountability for my life. My question to Seth would be, I a nut shell to the above, please, share your secrets.
Brené Brown
Always good to have a professor, on your tribe, especially one that has done research. What's better than to awaken your day with a great quote. Brené Bown, has spent the past thirteen years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. Well there you have it, Self help is always good to have on the tribe, If I met , Brené I would ask for a personal coach session and one of her books signed and given to me, if you don't ask you will never know. There is a reason you help others, always. The whole basis of what Brené teaches is a inspiration to me.
My local Mentors who I haven't seen in over 15 to 20 years and are Livin the Life! Of My Dreams!

Jason Sugar had a small dive shop in New Westminster BC on Diving, his dream was to be a diving coach and more, what appealed to me most was his coarse: First Breath. I have a deep water fear and wanted to take the coarse, but he had up and moved to paradise. He is living his dream and I support his media everywhere. He welcomed me to take the coarse at a discounted rate, however I would of had to fly to his remote Island, Isla Mujeres. My question to Jason if I ever saw him again, would be will I ever get over my fear of deep water? and he would say, Yes. Sometimes fear goes deeper into our souls- I am sure that would be something that Jason could pull out of me if I made it out to have a coach session.
So if you ever want to visit Isla Mujeres, Jason sugar is your man, below are some great photos from Jason's page. I truly know I will one day be taking First Breath. The fact that Jason took a risk, and decided this is the life he was going to have, is a true inspiration to me.
Frances Hui
Frances was a event planner way back in the day. I went to most of her events, they were fun, mostly business related where you could give out your cards and social network. Frances has really kicked up her heels and now has her own company and has been in several magazines in Vancouver. I recently connected with Frances, and If she does indeed decide to come have lunch with me, I have a million questions; "Whose in your love life?" "What's the word?" "How did this all happen? " "Who did you approach?" The list would go on, why? because she is actually a girlfriend Id like to know better. Frances Hui, wasn't a sell out- she believed in herself and encourages women everywhere on business.
Lyndi Barret- Style Calling Magazine.
Lyndi and I go way back, Lyndi was a production assistant for Vancouver Fashion Week and I was a manager and makeup artist of a million dollar counter in downtown Vancouver, I decided to go to fashion school and had created vintage scarfs you could wear about 20 different ways, so that, not just skinny girls could wear them, but also pregnant women and BBW women. Lyndi decided to put me in the show. I met with her quite a few times during that year and knew she wanted to be a editor of a fashion magazine. Well 20 years later on my facebook she has risen to that title. Lyndi just got back from New York, she illustrates fresh clean attire. If I would see her again, I would be ready , maybe with something I designed, and ask her to put my design in her magazine. Designing again...oh the thought, its there- I hoped to have my own label- Anything is possible. I would also ask Lyndi to get me a seat at New York Fashion Week with her. Lyndi spent years of hard work before she got her shot, and the jobs leading up to her great career were not great, some of them I believe she didn't even get paid. Most of Vancouver Fashion Week back in the day was volunteer hours, I also worked for free as a makeup artist at the events, long hours. Blood Sweat and Tears, but she never gave up and saw her vision the entire time.
All these people above are huge mentors for me, I also have mentors right here in my own town who support me and would help me start what I want to do.
The big shots are Natalie Sisson hands down and Seth Godin, Brené Brown, for Marketing, feedback on marketing my business in a professional way and also helping me with a book, streamlining to specifics. The steps to do it right! This challenge is providing me with a wealth of knowledge, and also its a wake up call to get things moving again.
Who would be my tribe?
For the next 6 months: My Husband, Wild Bird Foundation. The Wild Bird Foundation is a small group of men, all colorful and different who want to make a change in our community, one being my husband. They started a non profit organization, the first is dealing with homelessness here in the community, I hold a part in working with dreams, of single moms in crisis. I hope to write a story on a few of the people involved in this group.
My group of girlfriends who always give me support and ideas, back in Vancouver.
I have recently networked with a new group of women in Bellingham, one is a graphic designer, I was going to invite her for lunch and see what her thoughts are, some are artists. One women I worked with recently, Yvette Newman
is a well known artist, marketing her own Art. I won a 3 day scholarship to her studio, it was very amazing. Her story will be on my blog after the challenge. I will be talking to her more about marketing and networking in my area.
Well that's my Tribe! I hope to at some point have some of these amazing people join me in my journey. This was a longer blogpost than I thought, I just didn't want to leave the very most important mentors to me out of this challenge.
GVixen Signing Out
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