I Should Buy A Boat

I met some pretty amazing people on Van Isle 360, some I will never forget, some that went as far as the states...Some friends I will have forever. That year was an exciting year.
Looking at old picture's of the team. I have to say, I am grateful I was part of it. It has been two years, I looked into taking those sailing classes just to get out on a boat, but the truth is I know 3 exceptional Captains who have done more experience than any of those classes. So I called my favorite. I would have to continue training physically, dedicate full weekends and one evening training. I would have to "fit In with the new group" Learn other positions, lingo...Vancouver Royal Yacht..Id also have to get better gear. This all starts in May, however much prep is required as well as gear and fees.

Decided to share some amazing photos of Team Rubato from Van Isle 360.
Short Post tonight, need lots of sleep, 6am rise for gym and Sushi time before work!
I cooked an amazing meal tonight for my friend, stuffed red peppers with quinoa and lentils done with yellow spice -yum, Caesar Salad with Rotisserie Chicken
Gvix Signing out
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