Change Of Hats...

"Cha Cha Cha" Let me roll withcha..

That's me ! Last year getting all sexy to go out. As I sit here in the storm, look at incredible one from Ms SJ, my favorite Superhero...I will accept this one goal for 2014, Run4acause. Feeling inspired! I put up my best firecracker profile pic..and a change of hats..A change of hats is good for any girl..I have purple, yellow, plaid and even Mexican. This year I decided not to set any goals..they were set awhile back, and for me  the holidays just confirmed this even more!

Some of my goals mid year were:

1) To Move...Well,  Day before Christmas Eve, I called the cops on a noise issue and my ceiling fell out.

2A) To only be with people or things that bring joy into your life..New Years I almost lost my little Pug Sushi Bear- She brings joy to me everyday.
My amazing friends, like about my own little family to gather around in hardship...amazing love from all sides. My goal in mid year was to spend more time with friendships..I am now..I will more..I see they have done it for me and been very present for me when I thought I may deal with loss.

2B) Never settle for less than what you deserve in relationships even if it means breaking your heart and willpower. Well this happened, and I was so aware with eyes wide open, I caught it before I was really screwed up..Male friendship's gathered around via Facebook to talk to me, putting aside their own issues in relationships and family, to make sure I could just breath again...this would be Special K, Bushman, and excited to see my Italiano on Sunday, who will for sure give me the best dam smile and squeeze ever.

Special K lost his beloved dog sometime ago and really talked me threw some grieving shit, this was the day I had to call around to put my little girl down, and one very special women in Kits, decided to make a call to my vet, and also review the records on Sushi- This is why Sushi is alive today.

Bushman, away in another country took the time to text me and listen to coarse of actions over Christmas..everyday he said " Its A Fucking New Day"

2C) Family, well I promised myself midyear I would not be subject to hear melodrama and crap from family, I would simple not be involved and focus on family that is unrelated , if that makes sense. I did receive some break threw and a very touching gift from the dragon lady, text support on my dog..and spending quality time with my son and mother- and my sweet JJ. This will continue..

Relationships are important in ones life when you do not have a partner, it helps you to love yourself and enjoy yourself in the times you are alone.

3: Health
Well I was training 3 times a week..and yoga about twice a week, it is time to kick it up. I have received some support from some trainers in the city that are publicly known, at the kickoff of 2014, and Id like to say this will be the focus for me after my first paycheck back to the school board. I was half ass'ed working out and mostly working on my cardio from 20 yrs of past smoking. I feel good now and can comfortably run a 5k. Its time to add weights, I was maintaining and eating pretty good. A relapse happened where I got very sick over the holidays..sinus infection, pneumonia, cold sores..body was run down and deteriorating. This was caused by stress..and I just will not allow it this round.

4)It is time...
I am ready for a team, this will be Vancouver Yacht, Rowing  or  Dragon..It has taken me a whole year..but I do feel this is a positive outlet to meet people and I will be hunting down my captain in March for real time.

5) Was finance
well this is a ongoing progress, so no need to make goals, the seeds were planted in October. I however have relapsed due to vet bills..crazy ass vet bills has eaten up everything I had, including kids trip worry just work harder.

Those were the goals..and somehow I was completely love temporarily..I lost my balance.
Kutut says " to lose balance for love, is the balance of life"

What the fuck ever!  Couple glasses of wine here.

I have to say the highlight of my year was reconnecting,  with my long term friend "Babb's" and meeting a new one "Shoebox" I really missed my friend and I value her more than ever before. Shoebox is amazing, I am so glad I met her, it feels like I can just show up at her house and be family. I laugh a gut when with her. She is excited about everything, its SO fun. Shoebox will randomly send me a text which brightens my day..I will bitch about something..and she will say "well I just got called a slut by a old lady" I bust a gut in her presence..inspiring writer, dance alone in any street possible..I adore my new friend. Babb's on the other hand is a sister..its like we picked up from years ago..all the advice she has, I hate to hear and shes right about everything. So you know what? I fucking listen to it.

I have decided I am truly the most gullible person on the planet. To giving, too compassionate and a down right idiot, if I am going to make any resolutions it will be to just be a bitch, at least shit will get done,

So you see there are no resolutions that need to be made here, it is just a matter to sticking with the old plan and not being a stupidio again.  Most important on the list, only make time for people that bring joy to your life. The stupido part 110% percent for a dude to early, drinking excessively (wine) slacking on the gym for 3 weeks, eating very poorly..cookies, turkey treats- tons of sugar , guess what? I am
missing work for a guy, there were many fuck ups in there Id rather not discuss.

I did make some small changes..I cut my cable to basic, my miraculous expenses are strictly fitness..meaning no clothing, or fun stuff ( my beautiful mom took care of that) at Christmas I received lots of gift certs. I did get a pedicure and manicure, thank god I never attempted the bikini wax , what a fucking waste that would be..however it was rather fun hearing the Filipino explain, butt wax, bikini wax and anal bleaching all at the same time with a accent. What fun that was:)
"Oh we puts the small amounta of papers just around, only leave short time, no pain..maybi sting for you a bit"
Yeah no sting for me thank you, I do like to be soft, but Ill pass thanks. Do people really need a pink asshole? I am asking the men out there? Do you really need a pink asshole? Like who does that shit?

One  resolution, I have made, I will never ever date someone on POF again.

I think if you make resolutions you are setting yourself up to fail. I have a bucket list of things to do , and a bucket list of how full my bucket is, with gratitude..very different things. For Christmas I got a full bucket that's for sure <3

New Years really sucked ass for me, however I am taking invitations to do a new one

Gvix Signing off , Luv you much ya'all


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