Playin With The Punk Kids
...Playing with Toddlers..That would be a good title for last night, how ever its my sons friends old band name. I booked The Railway Club, thinking it was low key and ok for a Monday, We got a beautiful 20yr something, singing soft indie music, that was down right depressing like she was out of some horrid breakup..beautiful voice..just not what these old school Cobalt, Funkyweinerbeans kids are used to.
My son and his 2 hipster roommates appeared last night while I was getting ready, case of Milwaukee in hand.
Felix Climaxx made her appearance of coarse..
In our family we have tattoos, and our own personal burlesque dancers for random occasion, comedians, artists, girls who shoot guns and play with boy toys..its all shits n giggles in our family. Felix is my young sons best friend, she is lovely, and came out to the little shit hole apartment for dress up with her beautiful green/blue hair to celebrate the festivities and give me my next dance class dates and pin up photo shoot idea. You can see Felixx at the Kitty Lounge, The screaming chicken theatrical group and she also does many other venues..although her page is very lacking, I will have to fix that.

Last night I wore my Irish plaid blazer, my hard core vintage T-shirt that Felix nicely ripped the neckline out for me, my massive gold buckle n jeans- I still rock that shit at 40 something!This year surprisingly my son wanted "Nice Clothing" so my gifts were the typical Hipster Classy Stuff you see youth in today, and guess what? He wore none of it!!! He wore his typical Punk ass stuff...grrrrrr

I have to say my taste in music for punk is a little more subdued, like The white T\s or Transplants, Pixies N Pouges. All in all I am sad I was a ultimate FAIL in producing a grand party for my son\s 22 birthday, we did have drinks, good people and fun..but no punk show:( sorry son.
I guess I am the reflection of both my kid,s its creepy..I am super into fitness, authoritarian professions, extremely hard work..I love anything that involves outdoors and doing things like fishing, camping ...and then I have this creative side that lead me into make-up artsy , dance and sewing..I feel its awesome!
It was a great Night! I left at 11 pm and let them carry on knowing they had fare and save ways home.
I have 3 passed out boys in my
What more could a mom ask for :D
My son and his 2 hipster roommates appeared last night while I was getting ready, case of Milwaukee in hand.
Felix Climaxx made her appearance of coarse..
In our family we have tattoos, and our own personal burlesque dancers for random occasion, comedians, artists, girls who shoot guns and play with boy toys..its all shits n giggles in our family. Felix is my young sons best friend, she is lovely, and came out to the little shit hole apartment for dress up with her beautiful green/blue hair to celebrate the festivities and give me my next dance class dates and pin up photo shoot idea. You can see Felixx at the Kitty Lounge, The screaming chicken theatrical group and she also does many other venues..although her page is very lacking, I will have to fix that.
That's right, its on my bucket list- I will be doing a show and a pin up calendar, teaching by Felix!
I was in dance for years, I was in ballet , then jazz..hip hop I was even in cheer leading for a short time and a go go dancer. Doing your passion is healthy. I have never tried burlesque, however I know it is a healthy fun and well respected at the Vancouver Dance School. I was always called to do all the makeup on the dancers for fashion shows, what a blast!
Last night I wore my Irish plaid blazer, my hard core vintage T-shirt that Felix nicely ripped the neckline out for me, my massive gold buckle n jeans- I still rock that shit at 40 something!This year surprisingly my son wanted "Nice Clothing" so my gifts were the typical Hipster Classy Stuff you see youth in today, and guess what? He wore none of it!!! He wore his typical Punk ass stuff...grrrrrr
It is important to embrace your kids creative sides when they are young, I have two, one was always artsy and the other a athletic wanted sewing classes the other wanted hockey, one wanted blue hair Mohawk the other wanted professional MMA thought he was gay from bullying and the other thought joining a gang would be kewl. In the end from good morals and lots of patience I got a Chef who is straight (not that that would make a dam difference in the world) and a tradesman who is a athlete. When I see them I receive, I love you mom, a kiss a hug, taken for dinner. My oldest son calls me at random and asks if I'm ok and if I need anything asks about my day and if I'm working to hard. My young son says mom lets go for a beer..and have a talk.
They always want me at their friends get togethers, why?, cause I'm awesome!
Typically when my youngest comes to van I have to prepare myself for his choice of company and music tastes, and here are some, hope the links work..most times I try to just be the driver..its exhausting..
Guts N Glory
with Tony Toddler
At The Wise Hall |

I knew Tony when he was first starting in bands, I said Tony sing me a song, this was in my kitchen in my big house in surrey, his voice is actually amazing..he sang about a girl that fucked him over in solo..I recorded it I loved it so much..but now its idea where it went. Love this kid !
I\ve know shock load for about 4 years, I was dating someone and he was living in their house, this was very funny because I remember I told my son I had spent the night at this vintage house and their were allot of punker in the house cooking good food stuff, My son was like well maybe I know them do they have a band? The name was different back them, and my son flipped a lid, oh my god you have to invite me over I'm a huge fan..and thus a relationship was blossomed.
Reset Conformity
Adrian, been my friend since 2007 when he was preforming in Alberta, The 40 something kid stays forever youthful and perfect in my eyes, he graced us last night to give Zak a TShirt of another great local Punk Band. The thing I love about Adrian is he looks like just another rat race kid, but in reality he is a wise old soul, totally vegan, health-nut, hardcore trades job..practices the paths of Buddha..and stays rue to his creative size, about to release a album, he is on the path to quitting his day job!
Reset is doing a show at The Electric Owl for the food bank on Tuesday Dec 17th, I will be going to show my support and donate. Won't be staying long, but I feel this is important and great that local bands are supporting Vancouver Food Bank.
I guess I am the reflection of both my kid,s its creepy..I am super into fitness, authoritarian professions, extremely hard work..I love anything that involves outdoors and doing things like fishing, camping ...and then I have this creative side that lead me into make-up artsy , dance and sewing..I feel its awesome!
It was a great Night! I left at 11 pm and let them carry on knowing they had fare and save ways home.
I have 3 passed out boys in my
What more could a mom ask for :D
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