Resolutions..and all that crap

Hope you are all well and rested after New Years!
I had 4 days off, how wonderful! I went to Whistler
I slept, and I got rid of all my shit.
Speaking of shit..Every year people make New years Resolutions..
I know I have, and guess what? most times they don't work. I do one thing every year, I make Vision Boards, and last night I did all four!! They really work! I started them a few years ago, and I always have one thing on the board that arrives in the time period I place it as such. You can also write yourself a big fat cheque and stick it to the ceiling on your room.
It has been a ruff 24hrs, I am detoxing from all the crap in my body, I don't know how people do it, the detox, I feel like crap despite my fabulous energy levels-I drank the organic lemon, maple syrup and Cayenne pepper all day-The drink tastes OK, once...but you are required to have 6-8 glasses a day! The last 4 months have been take out food, and treats, alcohol coffee and cigs, tension and stress, since summer Id say.
I had the help of a amazing friend today, we unloaded about 4 trunkfuls to the thrift store,
revamped the place a little, I still have one day before work to put it together.
Then off to the seawall for a ride.
I feel totally refreshed and ready to take on the world at full force! I also get a new bed!!
If you have any creative ideas, of what you do or want to do, send me a post! I am stoked and love brainstorm ideas...I know Jackie T has some stashed away, and I am waiting to hear.
She is my Martha Stewing mantra who follows my blog!
In life we work hard to play hard, this year..It is all about that..If you have not seen Eat,Pray should..
Signing off on this nite
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