Fitness Log..

After my trip to Terrace and receiving all the info from my dear friend..and eating the same dam meal for 4 days, and killing my male employees with turbo gas..I went off the beaten path. I was sidetracked.. I did some research and I can switch it up..So day two of back on track, I feel like I want to die. I must of shaked my rump at the POF dance, my tush hurts, and I have bruises..WTF I go to the gym, kindof unattractive, I do not wear makeup and I wear Boys cloths. I typically have a look of pain on my face the entire time. The thing is, I go to a gym that can sometimes have attractive people-UGH If it was summer, Id just hike a dam mountain. So I am sweating up a storm on the treadmill, and someone says"you gonna be much longer" Its my old trainer..and he looks ...I want to die. Guess that's why hes a trainer. He says, I see you got a bit of ass going We sit down and I go over my written routine..He approves, and says, whens the last ti...